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035 - William Fausset - SURF SAVIOUR SAMARIVAN

035 - William Fausset - SURF SAVIOUR SAMARIVAN


Acrylic on canvas board

We can all face very difficult times in life and need the vital support from others to help us feel better and keep moving forward. Samaritans is an invaluable resource in this respect and I am very glad it exists in our society for people when they need it. I have a deep respect and appreciation for the organisation and especially the volunteers who give their time to this great cause.


William Fausset: I trained as a sculptor at the University of Hertfordshire, Leeds and UCL, completing an MFA in Sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art 2005. After leaving college I was a Sculptor’s Assistant to Sir Anthony Caro 2005 – 2008. Since then I have worked at the Architectural Association, where I am Head of Workshops, managing the department and teaching model making. I have continued my own art practice making sculpture, painting and drawing and been involved in various exhibitions and commissions over the years. In recent times I have been keen to develop my painting practice as an alternative process to explore in relation to my sculpture work and model making teaching.

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