Make your own Samarivan!
Schools – we want to invite you to be a part of the Samarivans campaign!
(P.S. this information also works for clubs, groups, friendship circles and anyone else who wants to get involved with Samarivans too!)

Use the stencil to express your creativity - let loose and enjoy! Incorporate your favourite things, set a scene or colour in using your best pens. You might want to ask children to think about their favourite journey, or where they would like to go in a campervan!

We are very happy for you to use our stencil just for fun! However if you do want to raise money for a great cause there are plenty of ways you can fund-raise for North Herts & Stevenage Samaritans.
We are sure you will have your own ideas but could we suggest:
- Class groups create Samarivans in lessons or art club and ask parents to pay a token fee to take them home (even £1 per picture would help us)
- Get every class in your school creating Samarivans and stage an art exhibition in your school hall – perhaps at an open day or evening – and ask parents to donate to the Samarivans fund to see it (an amount they see fit).
- Hold a parents/carers competition, invite the adults to enter a competition, paying a £5 entry charge, to win a book token for the Samarivan voted best entry!
To donate any funds raised towards the Samarivans cause - for Samaritans North Herts & Stevenage, please use this link:
Don't forget to share your artwork and activities online using #samarivans
By creating artwork and raising money you aren't only helping Samaritans - art is great for your mental health!
“Arts engagement in schools can improve social and emotional wellbeing in pupils.”1
“Community-based arts activities help children and young people explore identities, build confidence and increase coping strategies.”1
We are also thrilled to have the support of the National Society for Education in Art and Design:
"We have worked with Sarah Graham before and applaud her for her commitment to engaging children in the arts. We know many children (and teachers) are regularly inspired by her colourful and creative artwork, and the Samarivans initiative is a wonderful, simple way to get children involved in a communal art activity.
There is much good evidence for arts engagement being a positive influence on health and wellbeing so the marriage between this campaign and fundraising for Samaritans makes total sense. We hope schools will be able to become involved in this campaign, and we will use it to help policymakers address and support the health and wellbeing of children, teachers and wider communities."
Diane Quinn, Programmes and Partnerships Manager, NSEAD