172 - Mandy Johnson - HOPE
172 - Mandy Johnson - HOPE
Acrylic on canvas board' This is a tribute to my Auntie Ann who we sadly lost to suicide. When Ann was well she was full of joy and loved nature.
I am a suicide survivor myself - the NHS saved my life after I took an overdose to try and end it all. I now make, paint or draw every single day as part of my self care/health plan. Art keeps me alive.
Sadly I have also lost people to suicide. The most painful loss was my beloved Auntie Ann. It’s been ten years since she took her own life and I still wish something could have been done to stop her depression from taking her away from us. So my painting is for Ann. She loved being outside and I wanted this piece to capture the joy that she brought to my life and the life of so many others.
I have written “hope” on the registration plate as a tribute to the incredible Samaritan volunteers. The existence of the Samaritan volunteers - who give their time for free to help those who are feeling suicidal - give me hope. As long as there are people who care and are willing to listen, there is hope that lives can still be saved. Suicide does not need to be the end. No matter how hard it gets.
Mandy Johnson is a talented artist, illustrator and crafter who works from her home studio in St Albans. She describes herself as a professional Illustrator by day and an expressive “doodler” by night. Her body of work encompasses a wide range of mediums, including painting, drawing, mixed media and jewellery making.