017 - Jimmer Willmott - SPAGHETTI JUNCTION
017 - Jimmer Willmott - SPAGHETTI JUNCTION
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My names Jimmer, an international pop surrealist painter from Bristol, I've been lucky to work with a good amount of galleries dotted around the US, throughout my creative portfolio I've tried to keep my work fun, upbeat with an accompanying pallet of bright colour.
My signature style plays ball with social commentary mostly.
My Samarivan is called the 'spaghetti junction' a comment of how we can sometimes end up feeling stuck in the busy thoughts and traffic in our heads, I've painted the van a little beaten up, can you spot the peekaboo eyes I've added ? ! ?
At the moment I'm developing my work by trying to learn more about oil colours and recently also become more familiar with spray-paints.