043 - Hannah Ciepela - THANK YOU GREG
043 - Hannah Ciepela - THANK YOU GREG
Samarivan created using acrylic paint, crochet, woolliness and words from the inside of a slightly chaotic mind.
Chaos, creation and cuddles.
All of the above have been a huge part of what makes me the person that I am today.
My relationship with the Samaritans began in my early teenage years. Due to various circumstances, I had already attempted to take my own life twice by the age of 13. The second attempt, at one point, left me with a dangerously low chance of survival.
It was when things began to get dark again a few months later that I decided to reach out to the Samaritans. That night I spoke to a wonderful man who went by the name of Greg. During that middle of the night call, I felt heard, understood and emotionally held. I can still remember the warmth in his voice 33 years later.
I was in an incredibly dark place that night and, had it not been for Greg and the Samaritans, I may well have attempted my third and possibly final bid to end the emotional pain. It was following this that I always promised that one day I would pay my immense gratitude to the charity back.
Since those early years I have slowly healed and now have three beautiful children of my own. I'm a Psychological Coach and Therapist and have helped hundreds of people to better understand themselves and the inner battles that they face.
In a very small attempt to repay the kindness that I was shown that night I also became a listening volunteer for the Samaritans myself. It is a huge privilege to have been able to sit with others in their time of need. I hope with all my heart that I have been able to be a 'Greg' to someone else.
Being a human being is a complex, wobbly and gloriously messy process. My Samarivan captures how, through the Samaritans and the incredible work that they do, even the most troubled of minds will find moments in time where they can feel wrapped in warmth and love.
Thank you Greg.
Your time gave me my future.