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147 - Fiona Crouch - FOREVER GRATEFUL

147 - Fiona Crouch - FOREVER GRATEFUL


Fineliner and marker pen on canvas board

I really decided to join this campaign because Sarah is such an inspiration to me. Through sharing her experiences she has given me hope that I can succeed with my art, even when things feel hopeless and difficult.
Sometimes, we need help, and the Samaritans are there for people when things get tough. In a society that can sometimes seem uncaring that is so important. Thank you to every person who gives their time to help others.


I make things and I go on adventures.
I create art, I make jewellery, I play with resin, and when I am not doing any of those things I hunt fossils, photograph mushrooms, and find secret underground places.
I have tried to take art seriously, but really what I want to draw is colourful characters, sunflowers and jolly mushrooms. My business name is The Happy Mushroom, which many people think is a drug reference. It isn't! I really hope I can spread a little joy with the things I make and send out into the world. Peace.

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